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Impact measurement and management: addressing key challenges
Our IMM practice leader describes common impact investing challenges and suggests ways to overcome them.
2023 Climate Report
Aligned with TCFD recommendations, this report describes how we manage climate-related risks and opportunities, engage with companies on climate change, and reduce our own carbon footprint.
2023 Sustainability Report
We appreciate the opportunity to share our approach to advancing sustainable practices across our investment, client, and infrastructure platforms.
Financial materiality: The cornerstone of the ISSB’s global baseline for sustainability disclosure
The new standards may help provide market participants with data necessary to price sustainability-related risks and opportunities, which can feed directly into the assessment of enterprise value.
Key updates to Wellington’s 2023 proxy voting guidelines
We periodically update our guidelines in an ongoing effort to help Wellington's investment teams vote proxies in our clients' best interests. Read about key updates for this year from two members of Wellington's ESG team.
Building climate resilience: Toward a practical corporate framework
The need for systemic climate change resilience is becoming clear. We present a practical framework to help companies enhance resilience in their own operations.
Biodiversity: Why investors should take note
With scientists now broadly agreeing on the risks posed by accelerating biodiversity loss, Chris Goolgasian and Jenny Xie assess implications for investors and steps they can take.
Toward carbon neutrality: Our approach to carbon offsets
Wellington has committed to be carbon neutral in our operations by the end of 2022. Members of our Sustainable Investing and Corporate Sustainability Teams describe our multifaceted approach to achieving that goal.
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