United States, Institutional

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Endowments, foundations, and nonprofits

We work with nonprofit investors of all sizes and missions to craft innovative solutions tailored to meet their unique investment objectives. How can we help you?



Years building partnerships with nonprofits


Nonprofit clients globally

USD 50 B+

Nonprofit assets entrusted to us

As of 31 December 2024.

Whatever comes next, you need a game plan

Whatever challenges may lie ahead, we think nonprofits should be prepared to seek to capitalize on market dislocations and opportunities.

As one of the world’s largest active managers of nonprofit assets, we believe our greatest value comes from being able to partner and evolve with our clients across all types of market environments.  We believe that a focus on outcomes, not categories – including deviating from conventional investment thinking – can help your organization prioritize what matters.

We’d love to connect, learn about your vision, and help solve your investment challenges

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Find out how we can help your nonprofit, endowment, or foundation preserve and seek to grow its assets.