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Active Equities

Our actively managed equity approaches span disciplines, geographies, industries, market capitalizations, and styles in order to meet our clients’ objectives.


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USD 525 B+

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Equity investment professionals


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All figures are for the Wellington Management Group of companies as of 31 December 2024.

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It's all about Nvidia! But is it really?

From an equity market perspective, it seems February was all about Nvidia’s earnings and AI. Read Wellington Macro Strategist Nicolas Wylenzek's perspectives. 

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event March 2024
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At Wellington, we have been actively managing equity portfolios since 1928. Over the years, we have developed our diverse range of active strategies — from regional to global, thematic to sector, value to growth and across qualitative and quantitative approaches — with the aim of meeting investors’ different objectives.


why invest in active equities?

We think that investing solely in index-tracking or passive funds, which aim to mimic and not beat the market, is unlikely to help investors meet their investment goals.
In our view, this can be achieved via active management, which we feel offers investors a number of potential benefits including:

  • Catering for different client goals, such as capital growth, retirement income or portfolio diversification
  • Having the research capability to identify potentially compelling opportunities and the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions
  • Incorporating different perspectives and enabling earlier identification of potential risks and opportunities
Why Invest

Equity market outlook

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Archived pieces remain available on the site. Please consider the publish date while reading these older pieces.

Equity Market Outlook

In our Equity Market Outlook, we offer a range of fundamental, factor, and sector insights.

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event December 2024
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Archived pieces remain available on the site. Please consider the publish date while reading these older pieces.

Equity Insights

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Past performance is no guarantee of future performance and can be misleading. Funds returns are shown net of fees.
Source: Wellington Management

Investment in the funds described on this website carries a substantial degree of risk and places an investor’s capital at risk. The price and value of investments is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up. An investor may not get back the original amount invested and an investor may lose all of their investment. Investment in the funds described on this website is not suitable for all investors. If an investor is in any doubt as to the suitability of an investment in a fund, an investor should consult an independent financial advisor. The information on this website does not constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise transact in any security including, but not limited to, shares in the funds. An investor should only invest in a fund once that investor has carefully read and understood the offering documents for the relevant fund, which are the relevant prospectus, and Key Investor Information which contain further information on the risks and features of the fund, and the latest financial reports and any other offering documents for the fund which are available on this Website. Unless stated otherwise data is as at previous month end.