Norway, Institutional


The views expressed are those of the teams comprising Wellington’s Impact Platform including our impact equity and fixed income investment teams and IMM Practice. For these teams and strategies, impact measurement and management and engagement is a core component of the investment process. These practices do not necessarily extend to other strategies that Wellington Management offers. Views are those of the authors at the time of writing, and other teams may hold different views and make different investment decisions. The value of your investment may become worth more or less than at the time of original investment. While any third-party data used is considered reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed. For professional, institutional, or accredited investors only.

Impact Investing Platform

Impact Investing Platform

2023 impact highlights

Investments in our equity and fixed income portfolios have enabled companies and other issuers to achieve the following impact:

Affordable housing icon

3.9 million

Units of affordable housing supplied or financed

Equivalent to 7.5x the housing supply of Stockholm1

Raindrop falling in puddle icon

6.9 billion

Cubic meters of water provided or treated

Equivalent to 10% of Canada’s annual freshwater consumption2

Heart with EKG through it

398.5 million

Patients and customers provided with health care products or services

Nearly 35x the average number of patients admitted annually to hospitals in Australia3

Affordable housing icon

1.4 billion

People in developing countries gained digital access

Equivalent to 91% of Africa’s population4 

Affordable housing icon

55.8 million

People provided with education, training, and career support

Or 21.2x the number of students enrolled in higher education in Japan5

Affordable housing icon

105 million

Underserved individuals gained access to financial services

Compared to 1.4 billion unbanked individuals globally6 

Affordable housing icon

46.2 million

Businesses and individuals protected with cybersecurity tools and technologies

Compared to 3,205 publicly reported data breaches in the US, which impacted more than 353 million individuals in 20237

Affordable housing icon

199.6 million

Tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions avoided through renewable energy

Equivalent to 285.7 TWh of renewable energy generation8

Affordable housing icon

710.2 million

Tonnes of GHG emissions avoided through improved resource efficiency and resource stewardship

Equivalent to 169 million fewer cars on roadways for one year9

66% of our holdings (as a percentage of market value) leverage a common KPI that can be aggregated. Market value % captures asset leg of a total return swap on one Global Impact holding. If a company or issuer does not report a figure that we believe aligns with one of our aggregated KPIs, we still monitor and report the individualized KPI over time, but do not include it in the above aggregated statistics which we believe provide a conservative estimate of the impact our funds enable. All reported impact KPIs are obtained from publicly available information. We do not account for fund ownership stakes in the above calculations which represent 100% of the impact of the companies or issuers in which we invest. For each aggregated KPI we provide what we believe to be a relevant reference point. These are for context only and do not imply any equivalence for our KPIs regarding benefits delivered for society and the environment. If 2023 data is not yet available, 2022 data has been used. Aggregated KPIs reflect the impact of the portfolio as of 31 December 2023. These data points do not constitute a data series and should not be compared to aggregated data points published in previous years due to changes in the portfolio holdings between each publication date. | All investing involves risk. Investors should consider the risk to their capital, before investing. These impact highlights relate to the representative accounts for our impact equity and fixed income strategies, and is for informational purposes only, is subject to change, and is not indicative of future portfolio characteristics or returns. The value of your investment may become worth more or less than at the time of original investment. Please refer to the Important disclosures on our website or at the end of this document for more information.

1“Number of dwellings by region and type of building (including special housing). Year 2013 – 2023,” Statistical Database, Official Statistics of Sweden. | 2“7 Countries that waste the most water,”, 10 February 2021. | 3“Admitted patients,” Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 16 May 2024 (2022 – 2023 figures).| 4“Africa population,” WorldOMeter, accessed 1 June 2024. | 5“Record high number of female university students and faculty members in Japan,”, 12 September 2022. | 6“The Global Findex Database 2021,” The World Bank. | 7“2023 Data Breach Report,” Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). The aggregated KPI should not be directly compared to the number of data breaches and people impacted. Instead, it should be used as an indication of scale. | 8“Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, (data from 2021). | 9 Ibid. | Unless otherwise indicated, we use tonnes for metric tons throughout this report.

Affordable housing icon


Units of affordable housing supplied or financed

Equivalent to 28% of the housing supply of Stockholm1

Raindrop falling in puddle icon

5.4 billion

Cubic meters of water provided or treated

Equivalent to 7% of Canada’s annual freshwater consumption2

Heart with EKG through it

213 million

Patients and customers provided with health care products or services

Over 18x the average number of patients admitted annually to hospitals in Australia3

Affordable housing icon

181 million

People in developing countries gained digital access

Equivalent to over 12% of Africa’s population4 

Affordable housing icon

51.8 million

People provided with education, training, and career support

Or nearly 20x the number of students enrolled in higher education in Japan5

Affordable housing icon

97.4 million

Underserved individuals gained access to financial services

Compared to 1.4 billion unbanked individuals globally6 

Affordable housing icon


Businesses and individuals protected with cybersecurity tools and technologies

Compared to 3,205 publicly reported data breaches in the US, which impacted more than 353 million individuals in 20237

Affordable housing icon

90.9 million

Tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions avoided through renewable energy

Equivalent to 130.1 TWh of renewable energy generation8

Affordable housing icon

601.2 million

Tonnes of GHG emissions avoided through improved resource efficiency and resource stewardship

Equivalent to 143.1 million fewer cars on roadways for one year9

68% of our holdings (as a percentage of market value) leverage a common KPI that can be aggregated. Market value % captures asset leg of a total return swap on one Global Impact holding. If a company or issuer does not report a figure that we believe aligns with one of our aggregated KPIs, we still monitor and report the individualized KPI over time, but do not include it in the above aggregated statistics which we believe provide a conservative estimate of the impact our funds enable. All reported impact KPIs are obtained from publicly available information. We do not account for fund ownership stakes in the above calculations which represent 100% of the impact of the companies or issuers in which we invest. For each aggregated KPI we provide what we believe to be a relevant reference point. These are for context only and do not imply any equivalence for our KPIs regarding benefits delivered for society and the environment. If 2023 data is not yet available, 2022 data has been used. Aggregated KPIs reflect the impact of the portfolio as of 31 December 2023. These data points do not constitute a data series and should not be compared to aggregated data points published in previous years due to changes in the portfolio holdings between each publication date. | All investing involves risk. Investors should consider the risk to their capital, before investing. These impact highlights relate to the representative accounts for our impact equity strategies, and is for informational purposes only, is subject to change, and is not indicative of future portfolio characteristics or returns. The value of your investment may become worth more or less than at the time of original investment. Please refer to the Important disclosures on our website or at the end of this document for more information.

1“Number of dwellings by region and type of building (including special housing). Year 2013 – 2023,” Statistical Database, Official Statistics of Sweden. | 2“7 Countries that waste the most water,”, 10 February 2021. | 3“Admitted patients,” Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 16 May 2024 (2022 – 2023 figures).| 4“Africa population,” WorldOMeter, accessed 1 June 2024. | 5“Record high number of female university students and faculty members in Japan,”, 12 September 2022. | 6“The Global Findex Database 2021,” The World Bank. | 7“2023 Data Breach Report,” Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). The aggregated KPI should not be directly compared to the number of data breaches and people impacted. Instead, it should be used as an indication of scale. | 8“Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, (data from 2021). | 9 Ibid. | Unless otherwise indicated, we use tonnes for metric tons throughout this report.

Affordable housing icon

3.7 million

Units of affordable housing supplied or financed

Equivalent to 7.2x the housing supply of Stockholm1

Raindrop falling in puddle icon

1.5 billion

Cubic meters of water provided or treated

Equivalent to over 2% of Canada’s annual freshwater consumption2

Heart with EKG through it

186 million

Patients and customers provided with health care products or services

Or 16x the average number of patients admitted annually to hospitals in Australia3

Affordable housing icon

1.2 billion

People in developing countries gained digital access

Equivalent to nearly 80% of Africa’s population4  

Affordable housing icon

4 million

People provided with education, training, and career support 

Or 1.5x the number of students enrolled in higher education in Japan5

Affordable housing icon

10.6 million

Underserved individuals gained access to financial services

Compared to 1.4 billion unbanked individuals globally6

Affordable housing icon

45.5 million

Businesses and individuals protected with cybersecurity tools and technologies

Compared to 3,205 publicly reported data breaches in the US, which impacted more than 353 million individuals in 20237

Affordable housing icon

127.2 million

Tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions avoided through renewable energy

Equivalent to 182.1 TWh of renewable energy generation8

Affordable housing icon

116.4 million

Tonnes of GHG emissions avoided through improved resource efficiency and resource stewardship

Equivalent to 28 million fewer cars on roadways for one year9

63% of our holdings (as a percentage of market value) leverage a common KPI that can be aggregated. If a company or issuer does not report a figure that we believe aligns with one of our aggregated KPIs, we still monitor and report the individualized KPI over time, but do not include it the above aggregated statistics which we believe provide a conservative estimate of the impact our funds enable. All reported impact KPIs are obtained from publicly available information. We do not account for fund ownership stakes in the above calculations which represent 100% of the impact of the companies or issuers in which we invest. For each aggregated KPI we provide what we believe to be a relevant reference point. These are for context only and do not imply any equivalence for our KPIs regarding benefits delivered for society and the environment. | If 2023 data is not yet available, 2022 data has been used. Aggregated KPIs reflect the impact of the portfolio as of 31 December 2023. These data points do not constitute a data series and should not be compared to aggregated data points published in previous years due to changes in the portfolio holdings between each publication date. | All investing involves risk. Investors should consider the risk to their capital, before investing. These impact highlights relate to the representative accounts for our fixed income strategies, and is for informational purposes only, is subject to change, and is not indicative of future portfolio characteristics or returns. The value of your investment may become worth more or less than at the time of original investment. Please refer to the Important disclosures on our website or at the end of this document for more information.

1“Number of dwellings by region and type of building (including special housing). Year 2013 – 2023,” Statistical Database, Official Statistics of Sweden. | 2“7 Countries that waste the most water,”, 10 February 2021. | 3“Admitted patients,” Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 16 May 2024 (2022 – 2023 figures).| 4“Africa population,” WorldOMeter, accessed 1 June 2024. | 5“Record high number of female university students and faculty members in Japan,”, 12 September 2022. | 6“The Global Findex Database 2021,” The World Bank. | 7“2023 Data Breach Report,” Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). The aggregated KPI should not be directly compared to the number of data breaches and people impacted. Instead, it should be used as an indication of scale. | 8“Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, (data from 2021). | 9 Ibid. | Unless otherwise indicated, we use tonnes for metric tons throughout this report.


Impact reports

See impact highlights from each of our strategies, along with measurable impact results from the companies and issuers in which we invest.