Iceland, Intermediary


Explore the impact of investing in positive social and environmental outcomes


Our impact investment professionals seek to invest in companies and other issuers whose core products, services, or projects are tackling many of the world's biggest social and environmental problems. Their goal is to generate attractive financial returns alongside measurable, positive impact.

Our measured and disciplined approach

Multidimensional engagement

Our engagements may include equity, fixed income, impact, and ESG perspectives. As a fiduciary of our clients’ capital, we believe it is our duty to understand the mosaic of a company’s or issuer’s business or financial model, industry structure, and capital allocation decisions. 

Impact leadership and governance

The Impact Steering Group brings together key decision makers on Wellington’s impact strategies to promote knowledge sharing, accountability, and collaboration.

Opportunities in impact investing

We invest worldwide across three broad impact categories: Life essentials, Human empowerment, and Environment.

Life essentials
  • Affordable housing
  • Clean water & sanitation
  • Health
  • Sustainable agriculture & nutrition
Human empowerment
  • Digital divide
  • Education & job training
  • Financial inclusion
  • Safety & security
  • Alternative energy
  • Resource efficiency
  • Resource stewardship

Not all funds may be invested in all themes at any one time. Please see our impact reports for details of the most recent fund holdings.


Measuring and managing impact

“Impact investing is trying to drive down the costs of capital of companies who are doing good, so they can do more good, more quickly.”

— Oyin Oduya, CFA, Impact Management and Measurement Practice Leader

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Meet our impact investing experts


Jason Goins


Equity Portfolio Manager
Campe Goodman

Campe Goodman


Fixed Income Portfolio Manager

Oyin Oduya


Impact Measurement & Management Practice Leader


FAQS: Impact investing 

Wellington’s impact investing team invests globally across three broad impact categories — Life essentials, Human empowerment, and Environment — which we then divide into 11 impact themes. Impact opportunities can represent innovative solutions across sectors, asset classes, and market capitalizations. All impact investments must meet our thresholds for materiality, additionality, and measurability. That is, companies must generate most of their revenue from products and services related to at least one of our impact themes; the impact they generate must have a low prospect of being achieved by other means; and we must be able to track and measure the impact. Once we determine whether a company meets our impact criteria, we add it to our opportunity set. In parallel, our fundamental analysis seeks to identify those investments with the most attractive long-term return potential.

Our Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) Practice works toward measuring impact as thoroughly as financial outcomes through in-depth research. This involves rigorous analysis of an investee’s contribution (both positive and negative) to social and environmental challenges before it is included in our investable universe and gathering and monitoring impact-related key performance indicators (KPIs) after an investment is made.

While we developed our impact themes independently of the SDGs, we believe there is significant overlap. For example, our Alternative energy theme aligns well with SDG Goal 7, "Affordable and Clean Energy.” Wellington’s impact investing team supports the 17 SDGs and believes the financial services industry has an integral role to play in bridging the funding gap to achieve them.

Contact the team

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