Top of Mind

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Does the US election even matter? Thoughts on politics, Fed policy, and portfolios

What's next for interest rates and what impact will the US election have? Head of Multi-Asset Strategy Adam Berger and Macro Strategist Mike Medeiros share their outlook and discuss the asset allocation implications.

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9 min
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The AI effect: Time to rethink your technology exposure?

Will AI fulfill the market's high expectations? Will it continue to drive market concentration? Head of Multi-Asset Strategy Adam Berger and Global Industry Analyst Brian Barbetta, co-head of our Technology team, discuss the outlook and the asset allocation implications.

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7 min
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Structuring core fixed income: A constructive view on market and macro conditions

Head of Multi-Asset Strategy Adam Berger and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager Connor Fitzgerald discuss the interest-rate environment and the fundamental picture in investment-grade credit and high yield.

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7 min
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What could change the trajectory of value stocks?

Head of Multi-Asset Strategy Adam Berger and Equity Portfolio Manager Nataliya Kofman discuss “resilient” value stocks, disruptive themes, and attractive sector- and country-level opportunities.

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7 min
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Small-cap stocks: Watching for mean reversion, technology diffusion, and the next inflection point

Our experts discuss factors that could help small-cap stocks rebound and the search for winners in this inefficient segment of the market.

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8 min
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Top of Mind: The allocator’s checklist for 2024 and beyond

Head of Multi-Asset Strategy Adam Berger offers near- and longer-term ideas for allocators, including thoughts on areas where capital is scarce, alternatives may be attractive, and risks may bear watching.

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Learning to love (or live with) a late-cycle environment

Are we actually in a late-cycle environment and, if so, how should allocators respond? Head of Multi-Asset Strategy Adam Berger offers guidance, including on portfolio positioning, big cycle bets, and security selection.

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