Finland, Institutional

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Share Class Inception Date: 02/12/2013

Global Credit ESG Fund

Actively-managed, diversified global corporate bond fund with a repeatable ESG framework

This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus of the Fund and to the KIID/KID and / or offering documents before making any final investment decisions.

Morningstar Medalist Rating
As at 31/01/2025
Morningstar Rating
As at 28/02/2025
As at 14/03/2025
-0.0107 (-0.07%)
NAV daily change
As at 14/03/2025
1.54 B
As at 14/03/2025
Article 8
SFDR Article Classification


Actively managed global credit fund, seeking long-term total returns in excess of the Custom Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate (Fin 40% cap) USD/EUR/GBP 1% Cap USD 500M Min Index (ex Tier 1, Upper Tier 2, and Capital Credit securities) Index. The fund will seek to achieve the objective by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of investment grade corporate debt instruments, including exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivatives.

Fund Highlights
  • Differentiated philosophy and process: An established and differentiated investment process, combining bottom-up research with a top-down management of credit exposure throughout the cycle.
  • Strong ESG credentials: A deliberate and research-driven approach to ESG and climate, which includes company engagement, a net-zero objective, and actively avoiding issuers with excessive ESG risks.
  • Established track record supported by extensive resources: The Fund is managed by an experienced investment team with proven issuer selection skills, having managed dedicated global corporate bond portfolios since 2007. The team benefits from Wellington’s global research platform, which integrates the expertise of our macroeconomic, credit, equity, ESG and climate analysts.
Key Documents

Investment Example

Learn more about the competitive advantages of this global pharmaceutical company and the factors that led us to a buy decision.



Joe Ramos
Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
32 years industry experience
25 years with Wellington
Joe develops credit-sector and security-selection strategies for a range of client portfolios. He is also responsible for managing portfolios for central bank, sovereign wealth fund, pension fund and mutual fund clients of the firm.


Fund Details
  • Base Currency
  • Fund Inception Date
  • Share Class Inception Date
  • Asset Class
    Fixed Income
  • Domicile
  • Bloomberg
  • ISIN
  • Benchmark
    BBG Glb Agg Corp (Fin 40% cap) USD/EUR/GBP 1% cap Hedge USD
  • SFDR Article Classification
    Article 8
Charges & Expenses
  • Management Fee
  • Ongoing Charges Figure
  • Minimum Investment
    USD 1.00 M
The Fund is authorised and regulated as a UCITS scheme by the Central Bank of Ireland. The ongoing charges figure excludes Fund transaction costs, except in the case of depositary fees and an entry/exit charge paid by the Fund when buying or selling Shares in another collective investment undertaking. A detailed description of the charges that apply is set out in the section "Charges and Expenses" in the Prospectus. The ongoing charges figure may change over time. Charges applied will reduce the return potential of investments. Charges applied will reduce the return potential of investments. If an investor’s own currency is different from the currency shown, costs could increase or decrease due to currency or exchange related fluctuations.


Cumulative PerformanceAs at 28/02/2025
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Global Credit ESG Fund - USD S Acc HdgBBG Glb Agg Corp (Fin 40% cap) USD/EUR/GBP 1% cap Hedge USDFeb 14May 14Aug 14Nov 14Feb 15May 15Aug 15Nov 15Feb 16May 16Aug 16Nov 16Feb 17May 17Aug 17Nov 17Feb 18May 18Aug 18Nov 18Feb 19May 19Aug 19Nov 19Feb 20May 20Aug 20Nov 20Feb 21May 21Aug 21Nov 21Feb 22May 22Aug 22Nov 22Feb 23May 23Aug 23Nov 23Feb 24May 24Aug 24Nov 24Feb 25-10%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%

Past performance does not predict future returns.

Total return net of fees & expenses (%) as at 28/02/2025

USD S Acc Hdg
(Total Return)
BBG Glb Agg Corp (Fin 40% cap) USD/EUR/GBP 1% cap Hedge USD 7.1 6.8 -9.2 -3.5 2.9 13.0 3.1 2.5 6.6 -1.2

PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT PREDICT FUTURE RETURNS. AN INVESTMENT CAN LOSE VALUE. The inception date of the USD S Acc Hdg share class is 02/12/2013. Periods greater than one year are annualised. If an investor's own currency is different from the currency in which the fund is denominated, the investment return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Fund returns shown are net of USD S Acc Hdg share class fees and expenses. Fund returns shown are net of actual (but not necessarily maximum) withholding and capital gains tax but are not otherwise adjusted for the effects of taxation and assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. The index returns, where applicable, are shown net of maximum withholding tax and assume reinvestment of dividends. Please note the fund has a swing pricing mechanism in place. If the last business day of the month is not a business day for the Fund, performance is calculated using the last available NAV. This may result in a performance differential between the fund and the index. Sources: Fund - Wellington Management. Index – Bloomberg.


As at 28/02/2025
Average QualityAA-
Effective Duration (yrs)5.85.9
Yield To Worst (%)4.64.5

Quality ratings are based on the highest of Moody's, S&P, and Fitch. Ratings do not apply to the Fund itself. Ratings may change.


As at 28/02/2025
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3% MARKET VALUE62.962.920. StatesEuro AreaUnited KingdomOther EuropeEE/Africa/MELatin AmericaDollar BlocAsia ex JapanJapan010203040506070

Totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding. EE stands for Emerging Europe & ME stands for Middle East.


All investors should consider the risks that may impact their capital, before investing. The value of your investment may become worth more or less than at the time of the original investment.
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI)
As at 23/01/2025
  • 1
    Lower Risk
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
    Higher Risk
Select a risk to learn more about it
  • Short Selling
  • Manager
  • Derivatives (D+E) (Mkt)
  • Credit
  • Hedging
  • Below Investment Grade
  • Currency
  • Sustainability
  • Interest Rates
  • Capital

The risk category shown is based on a combination of market and a credit risk measures, it is not guaranteed to remain unchanged and may shift over time. Even the lowest risk category 1 is not a risk free investment. For more information please read the Key Information Document (KID).


Although the Fund doesn’t have a specific sustainable investment objective, it aims to support certain environmental and social characteristics which are consistent with its investment objective. Full details are provided in the Fund’s Sustainable Investing Disclosure Document, provided below.

Le performance passate non costituiscono garanzia per i risultati futuri e possono essere fuorvianti. I rendimenti dei fondi sono indicati al netto delle commissioni. Fonte: Wellington Management.

© 2022 Morningstar, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. Le informazioni qui riportate: (1) sono di proprietà di Morningstar; (2) non possono essere copiate né distribuite e (3) non sono garantite in termini di accuratezza, completezza o tempestività. Né Morningstar né i relativi fornitori di contenuti possono essere ritenuti responsabili per qualsiasi danno o perdita derivante dall’utilizzo di queste informazioni. L’Overall Morningstar Rating di un fondo rappresenta una media ponderata dei rating calcolati su orizzonti di tre, cinque e dieci anni (ove applicabile) basati sul rendimento ponderato per il rischio. Le performance passate non costituiscono garanzia di risultati futuri.

L’investimento nei fondi descritti in questo sito web comporta un elevato grado di rischio e mette a rischio il capitale degli investitori. Il prezzo e il valore degli investimenti non sono garantiti e sono soggetti a oscillazioni in aumento o in diminuzione. È possibile che gli investitori non recuperino l’importo originariamente investito e che perdano l’intero investimento. L’investimento nei fondi descritti in questo sito web non è idoneo a tutti gli investitori. In caso di dubbi circa l’idoneità di un investimento in un fondo, gli investitori dovrebbero rivolgersi a un consulente finanziario indipendente. Le informazioni contenute in questo sito web non costituiscono una consulenza agli investimenti o una raccomandazione all’acquisto, alla vendita o all’esecuzione di operazioni di altro genere in titoli tra cui, a titolo esemplificativo, le quote dei fondi, e non devono in alcun caso essere interpretate come tali. Gli investitori dovrebbero investire in un fondo solo dopo aver accuratamente letto e compreso i documenti di offerta relativi al fondo in questione, quali il Prospetto e le informazioni chiave per gli investitori (KIID) che contengono ulteriori informazioni sui rischi e sulle caratteristiche del fondo, nonché le relazioni finanziarie più recenti e qualsiasi altro documento di offerta per il fondo disponibili su questo sito web. Salvo altrimenti specificato, i dati sono aggiornati alla fine del mese precedente.